Suggest 25Live features and functionality!

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We're happy to provide this tool for you to enter your suggestions about Series25 applications and vote on your favorites submitted by other users. Please note that while high vote counts help guide our development priorities, they are not an automatic guarantee that any specific feature will be developed next.

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New suggestions and comments must be approved by CollegeNET before becoming publicly visible, and similar suggestions may be merged. Please keep comments on topic.

Support Links

Store full email history and text for events

Right now we only retain the subject line and recipients when an email is sent for an event. It would be useful to see the full text of every email in the audit trail ...
Suggested by: Roseanne Shaw (20 Dec, '19) Upvoted: 26 Apr Comments: 9
Under consideration ** Event Management

Event save emails - delayed trigger based on event date

Allow users to configure a delayed or scheduled email using the scenarios and templates triggered by event save emails. For example: "If scenario A is still valid, ...
Suggested by: Wes H (CollegeNET) (27 Feb, '20) Upvoted: 24 Apr Comments: 15

Timeless (All Day) event

The ability to have an all day event (or an event with no time) for things without space/resources assigments like calendar announcements.... First Day of Class.... ...
Suggested by: Mike C (CollegeNET) (18 Dec, '19) Upvoted: 09 Jan Comments: 6

Ability for Requestors to request a Cancellation of their Event

Once an event has been approved by the Scheduler provide a request form for the requestor to cancel their request. Event is not placed into a Canceled Event State ...
Suggested by: Mike C (CollegeNET) (12 Dec, '19) Upvoted: 26 Feb Comments: 8

Select more than one value for Custom Attribute (multi-select, checklist, check box)

I don't like categories and would instead like to replace them with checklist attributes. This would allow me to control which ones showed up and which Event Types ...
Suggested by: Pamela Mason (26 Mar, '21) Upvoted: 15 Apr Comments: 9

Allow special Date Indication for Holidays, Closures, etc.

We would like to be able to visually see on a calendar when certain things are happening such as a Holiday or Closure. We would not like to block the room off from ...
Suggested by: Michelle Bright (02 Aug, '22) Upvoted: 03 Apr Comments: 10
Under consideration ** Event Management

Pending Event State

Currently, we use Tentatives for our user requests and Confirmed/Denied for when we've completed the requests. But there are many reservations that must sit as a ...
Suggested by: Bonnie Hendrickson (22 Nov, '21) Upvoted: yesterday Comments: 18
Under consideration ** Event Management Workflow

Hide or reduce prominence of event save notifications

The popup that appears after saving an event in Pro can cover up information on the page, and it persists when leaving event details. It can be minimized or even ...
Suggested by: Wes H (CollegeNET) (19 Feb, '20) Upvoted: 09 Oct, '23 Comments: 6

Edit events in bulk

Add the ability to edit events en masse to add/remove/change things such as: * Event state * Organization * Location/resource assignments * Categories * Custom ...
Suggested by: Wes H (CollegeNET) (13 Dec, '19) Upvoted: 19 Jul, '23 Comments: 2

Ability to transfer Event Ownership from original owner to another contact

The ability to transfer event ownership from the original owner to another contact. If you do not have the appropriate security rights to change ownership, you would ...
Suggested by: Mike C (CollegeNET) (17 Feb, '20) Upvoted: 07 Feb, '23 Comments: 6

Generate pricing by occurrence or event segment

For reoccurring events, schools that bill weekly or monthly need to break the event down into a related event set to do so. The ability to generate pricing/invoicing ...
Suggested by: Walt M (CollegeNET) (14 Apr, '20) Upvoted: 08 Dec, '23 Comments: 5

Suggest and swap rooms When there is a conflict

Often users are requesting recurring events and the room they want is not available every occurrence. Even with recent changes where users can "include only missing ...
Suggested by: Sten Swenson (05 Aug, '21) Upvoted: 26 Apr Comments: 3
Under consideration Event Management Workflow

Include setup/takedown time in event summary

In the summary at the top of the event details page, it only shows the event start and end time. It would be useful if it also included extra time like setup, ...
Suggested by: Wes H (CollegeNET) (18 Feb, '20) Upvoted: 13 Oct, '23 Comments: 2
Under consideration 25Live Pro Event Management

Allow email modal to be moved when viewing an Event

It would be helpful if the email modal could "move" when in an Event. In 25live original, you can slide it a bit in order to “see” what’s behind it. In Pro, it’s ...
Suggested by: Mike C (CollegeNET) (02 Jan, '20) Upvoted: 26 Feb, '21 Comments: 5

Add a 'Recommended Locations' Target Type to Event Form Rule Settings

The ability to add 'Recommended Locations' (similar to 'Recommended Resources') in the event form would make it easier for users to select a location. A use case is ...
Suggested by: Karen (30 Mar, '21) Upvoted: 05 Feb Comments: 5
Under consideration Event Management Event Rules

Custom Attribute rules triggering during inline editing

currently the custom attribute rules only work during the event form, and changes made with during an inline editing does not trigger the custom attribute rules. It ...
Suggested by: iyan (28 May, '20) Upvoted: 13 Jul, '23 Comments: 1
Under consideration 25Live Pro Event Management

Distinct comments for each user on event details

In the comments/notes area of event details any user with sufficient permission can make changes, but there is no history of who said what or when they said it. ...
Suggested by: Roseanne Shaw (27 Dec, '19) Upvoted: 14 Mar Comments: 6
Under consideration 25Live Pro Event Management

Include Non-Discounted Price on Invoice

Add ability to include the non-discounted / "rack rate" of a location on the invoice so that a group within a different rate group would know the amount of the ...
Suggested by: Walt M (CollegeNET) (19 May, '20) Upvoted: 07 Dec, '23 Comments: 6
Under consideration 25Live Pro Event Management Pricing

Edit location and resource assignments inline on the Occurrences view

It would be good to edit, add, and remove assigned locations and resources directly from the Occurrences tab without opening the event form.
Suggested by: Roseanne Shaw (06 Jul, '20) Upvoted: 16 Apr Comments: 4

Change event state in bulk

Please allow users to change event state for multiple events at once.
Suggested by: Roseanne Shaw (26 May, '20) Upvoted: 11 Mar, '22 Comments: 4

Allow multiple contacts for a single contact role

Sometimes a single contact role needs to have multiple people associated with it. This would be more useful than requiring a 1:1 relationship between roles and people.
Suggested by: Roseanne Shaw (04 Sep, '20) Upvoted: 13 Oct, '23 Comments: 3
Under consideration 25Live Pro Event Form Event Management

Use default event state and contacts when copying events

Sometimes when copying an event it makes sense not to copy it exactly. Most of the information in the copy should be the same as the original--but the event state and ...
Suggested by: Wes H (CollegeNET) (13 Dec, '19) Upvoted: 17 Apr, '23 Comments: 3
Under consideration 25Live Pro Event Management

Event Details - Print all Attached Files for an Event

Add the option to print all attached files for an event to Event Details. From the customer: It would be helpful to be able to do this through the more actions ...
Suggested by: Mike C (CollegeNET) (17 Dec, '19) Upvoted: 07 Dec, '23 Comments: 2
Under consideration 25Live Pro Event Management

Modify Individual Date Setup/Takedown times in All Date Occurrences Window

Due to the limited number of spaces, we sometimes need to move events to locations where setup and takedown are not the same as other locations. However, in order ...
Suggested by: Stephen Clarke (05 Nov, '21) Upvoted: 07 Dec, '23 Comments: 2
Under consideration Event Management

Have a note when an event is copied

Either in the audit trail or somewhere on the event note that it is a copied event, and what was the original event
Suggested by: iyan (08 Oct, '20) Upvoted: 19 Dec, '23 Comments: 1
Under consideration Event Management

Combined Section Handling (Priority Section Determination) - Bulk Edit for Primary in Bound Sets

25Live arbitrarily designates one section in a combined set as the priority section (basically HOME section) when applying partition preferences. This improvement ...
Suggested by: Amanda Barnes (24 Sep, '20) Upvoted: 08 Sep, '23 Comments: 1
Under consideration Academic Event Management

Ability to "Demote" Existing Events into Segments Under Another Event

For example someone submitted 12 separate event requests for a series of interviews they were hosting - I would have liked to create a new parent reservation (by ...
Suggested by: Christie (29 Oct, '21) Upvoted: 19 Dec, '23 Comments: 1
Under consideration Event Management

Send emails in bulk based on event save scenarios and triggers

Evaluate a large number of events against an email scenario and send an email template for each one if the scenario applies. For example, I have an email template ...
Suggested by: Wes H (CollegeNET) (27 Feb, '20) Upvoted: 02 Apr Comments: 2

Event Registration - Additional Functionality

For the event registration functionality I have some suggestions - - When a user has registered, allow for them to unregister - this would be my top choice - ...
Suggested by: Stephanie Hein (22 Jul, '22) Upvoted: 12 Mar Comments: 2
Under consideration Event Management Event Registration

Nested Event Custom Attributes - Dependencies/Choose your own adventure

Add the ability to set dependencies on event custom attributes and have the answers to certain questions trigger follow ups.
Suggested by: Walt M (CollegeNET) (14 Apr, '20) Upvoted: 18 Nov, '20 Comments: 2

Ability for Requestors to request a Date/Time change on their Event

Once an event has been approved by the Scheduler provide a request form for the requestor to request a date/time request.
Suggested by: Mike C (CollegeNET) (12 Dec, '19) Upvoted: 11 Jun, '22 Comments: 0

Distinguish between setup/teardown and pre-event/post-event time on Availability Grid

On the availability grid, right now the differentiation in color is only between event time and non event time, but I want to be able to see the difference (in color) ...
Suggested by: Ashley Venneman (18 Nov, '21) Upvoted: 26 Jan Comments: 1
Under consideration Event Management UI

Bulk Edit - Event Ownership

This has come up a few times where we need to change the event owner of a group of events. We are currently not able to do this in bulk.
Suggested by: Michelle Bright (09 Aug, '21) Upvoted: 19 Oct, '23 Comments: 0
Under consideration Event Management

Trigger event save emails when event state changes

Add an option to event save emails that lets them trigger when the event state changes from inline editing in event details.
Suggested by: Wes H (CollegeNET) (24 Feb, '20) Upvoted: 04 Jun, '21 Comments: 3

Conflict check for Segments

Ability to check for location conflicts for segments would make segments much more useful. We had thought that it would behave similarly to the way the sub tabs in ...
Suggested by: Sarah Cho (10 May, '22) Upvoted: 08 Sep, '23 Comments: 1
Under consideration Event Management

Remove gray bar with "Note from Last Name, First Name" from email

Please remove gray bar with "Note from Last Name, First Name" from email. There is no need for it and it looks dated.
Suggested by: JOANNE CONLU (15 Jul, '20) Upvoted: 11 Jan, '23 Comments: 1

Configure a default Event Type by form configuration

Especially useful for embedded forms - the ability for an administrator to configure a default event type for a form and remove the field completely from the form in ...
Suggested by: Walt M (CollegeNET) (06 May, '20) Upvoted: 05 May, '21 Comments: 2

Make Description different on segments

We want to use segments for events that are a series, lots of regular occurrences, that are a different topic each time. The hope was to use these to publish them to ...
Suggested by: Pamela Mason (22 Sep, '21) Upvoted: 21 Mar Comments: 1
Under consideration Event Management

Event Save Emails: Add Start or Ending Time parameters to Rules

As a department scheduler, we would like to set up a notification so that if an event ending time was more than a certain threshold that it would generate a task or ...
Suggested by: Michelle Bright (Indiana University) (12 Mar, '21) Upvoted: 08 Jun, '23 Comments: 0

Click and drag to create on weekly availability grid

On the weekly availability grid, you cannot click and drag to create an event like you can on the daily grid. We would like to be able to drag both on the Y axis ...
Suggested by: Wes H (CollegeNET) (28 Feb, '20) Upvoted: 24 Jan, '22 Comments: 2
Under consideration 25Live Pro Event Management

Mega Menu - [Move Email out of] More Actions

Would it be possible to include the "email" button in the main Event Form, instead of going into the Mega Menu? Like the "Edit Event" button? This would be most ...
Suggested by: Lori Haisley (17 Mar, '21) Upvoted: 12 Apr, '22 Comments: 5
Under consideration Event Management UI

Copy Segment Details within an Event

When we have large events with a lot of resources, we block out time the day before and day(s) after for setup and takedown. Currently, each of these setup/takedown ...
Suggested by: Cindy Parks (22 May, '23) Upvoted: 21 Mar Comments: 3
Under consideration Event Management

Ability for system to default Event State based on the user's location security

Have the system recognize the user's security by location and default Event State based on that user's location security. Users with advanced security or options to ...
Suggested by: Cindy Schoppa (27 Apr, '22) Upvoted: 12 Feb Comments: 2

Additional Notes/Comments Box

When COVID hit we went completely paperless. We desperately need internal notes boxes on everything. A place for 25Live administrators, where we can record reasons, ...
Suggested by: John Moore (24 Jan) Upvoted: 12 Apr Comments: 1
Under consideration 25Live Pro Event Management

Meeting / Event Check In or Out Feature

Is there a feature or can one be created that allows the event or facility manager to indicate that a client has checked in/out for an occurrence on their ...
Suggested by: Victoria Boykin (15 Mar, '21) Upvoted: 12 Sep, '22 Comments: 1
Under consideration Event Management

Schedule during blackouts and closed hours on Availability Grids

Users with override blackouts and/or closed hours permissions should be able to schedule events at those times on the Home Availability grid or on location ...
Suggested by: Mike C (CollegeNET) (03 Feb, '21) Upvoted: 05 Jan, '23 Comments: 1
Under consideration Event Management UI

Pre and post times adjustable by occurrence

With each occurrence being able to adjust by time of the event, the pre and post set up time should also be adjustable by occurrence.
Suggested by: Heidi Nelson (06 Aug, '20) Upvoted: 29 Feb Comments: 1

Ability to remove individual locations within Date/Time Occurrences editor in the event form

It would be convenient to be able to remove location occurrences from the date/time occurrences editor, rather than having to remove date/time occurrences via the ...
Suggested by: Karen (01 Nov, '21) Upvoted: 06 Oct, '23 Comments: 1

Add attendance (Location) field to Event Occurrences view.

We were wondering if there was a way that the attendance field in the location field could appear on the occurrences tab of a submitted event form. The Layout and ...
Suggested by: Walt M (CollegeNET) (14 Oct, '20) Upvoted: 15 Dec, '20 Comments: 0
Under consideration Event Management

Payment Tracking

Add native payment tracking into 25Live for event invoices and deposits.
Suggested by: Walt M (CollegeNET) (01 Sep, '20) Upvoted: 21 Sep, '23 Comments: 0
Under consideration Event Management